New version of the Adellgene® Triplet Repeat Calculator Results Analysis Tool (v2.0)

We are pleased to announce the official release of version 2.0 of our Adellgene® Triplet Repeat Calculator software, a very useful tool for the interpretation of results obtained with our Adellgene® kits.

Results obtained with Adellgene® kits are analyzed and interpreted using GeneMapper™ software and Panel-Bin files. After analysis, and having previously established some specific configuration, a genotype table is generated in the appropiate format. This table is used as input for the Adellgene® Triplet Repeat Calculator software, which automatically converts the size of the alleles (in base pairs) into the number of triplet repeats. All this information is collected in a final report generated by the software.

If you would like to receive additional information, please contact us by e-mail at 

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